Learn how to easily ice tie dye geode patterns with this in-depth, step by step tutorial
Ice dyeing is really all the rage again these days but it has moved way beyond the basic scrunch dyes. Have you see some of the cool, new patterns and tie dye designs popping up?
One of these is called the geode tie dye which I made here so check out this fun and easy ice dyeing technique.

In all of my years of tie dyeing, I have never come across this awesome technique but it is now one of my favorites! The trick to creating these patterns is to tie the string super tightly, using a special sinew.
What is geode dyeing?
This is a super fun technique where you tie and dye fabric in such a way that it ends up looking like a geode rock formation.
If you use special artificial sinew thread which is coated with wax, you can make the ties tightly enough to keep the dye from getting underneath. This gives you lines that are the original color of the original shirt, mimicking a geode design.
Dyeing Safety
ANY AND ALL equipment that you use for dyeing is no longer safe to use in the kitchen! (The only exception to this rule is if you use food coloring as dye.)
This includes: Pots and pans, microwave, crock pot, strainers, bowls, measuring cups, mixing cups and spoons, lids, scales.
When handling dry dye powder, place a dust mask over your nose and mouth to avoid breathing in the dye.
Materials and tools
- White or light colored shirt (s.a. cotton, linen, etc)
- Fiber Reactive Dyes
- Artificial Sinew
- Soda Ash or Washing Soda
- Bucket
- Water
- Old Salad Spinner ** OR
- Rack + plastic tub
- Ice cubes
- Gloves
- Dust Mask
- Old plastic spoons
- Table cover
- Synthrapol detergent